Please note that some of the Apps in our Video Walkthrough series are in older version, so some of the FAQs below may not apply. We will indicate what are relevant to older version in paragraphs below.



  1. Why my app is in Chinese???
  2. 😠😠😠 I already paid for the App, need to paid for the mods information / videos again???
  3. Why I need to provide Apple ID and password again when getting mods information watching videos?
  4. Why video / mods details email's subject looks long and funny? Is it normal?
  5. Video Streaming

  6. Cannot watch video!
  7. Video streaming ALWAYS retries several times
  8. Streaming video is jerky
  9. Failed to turn on "Use video streaming if available" switch
  10. Video Downloading

  11. Downloaded file is frequently corrupted
  12. NO download progress in “Download” screen after a while
  13. It was stated that download will be stopped in 3/4G network. Why sharing of 3/4G network to my device continues to download video?


Why my app is in Chinese???

This App supports English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. You can switch the language in the App's "設定 / 设定" (the words means Settings) screen at the bottom. There is a "字體(Language)" option and you can update to "Eng" with immediate effect.
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😠😠😠 I already paid for the App, need to paid for the mods / videos again???

Please note that this is related to paid app only. If the app is free of charge, it is likely that payable In-App Purchased is required.

Since the size of the mods / videos in the App are rather large, if we embed the them in the App, you will be very difficult, if not impossible, to download the App. As a result, we deliver them by using AppStore's In-App Purchase facility and hence, AppStore will ask for your AppleID and password. Please be assured that ALL the mods / videos are free of charge. You can verify this by checking the “In-App Purchases” section in AppStore and all In-App Purchase items are free of charge. The video delivery process is shown below for your reference as well:

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Why I need to provide Apple ID and password again when get mods information / watching videos?

As AppStore's In-App Purchase facility is used to deliver mods / videos, the facility requires Apple ID and password even if the content you try to download is free of charge. Please reference the video above for the In-App Purchase process. Details of process can also be found in Apple AppStore.
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Why video / mods details email's subject looks long and funny? Is it normal?

The email subject cannot be setup properly in GMail, possibly something wrong with the GMail app. You can just ignore the problem.
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Cannot watch video!

Although the App automatically retries for a few times when video streaming failed, we did encounter situations that streaming still failed after retries during testing. In such situation, usually due to poor network condition, one can retry manually or proceed to download video, but please make sure that you are not in 3/4G network, otherwise, video download will NOT start.

In some older version of apps in our series, after pressing the [Watch] button, it may take a few seconds to wait for the video streaming module to buffer enough frames before starting video. The length of the duration depends on the performance of your Internet connection and can be significantly different between 3/4G and WiFi. On the other hand, the App does not show you download button, instead, you can download videos by setting to “Download” in “Settings” → “Streaming option”.

  1. Some country may block access to our video server, please change to the country you are staying in iOS's "Settings" App: under "General" -> "Language & Region" -> "Region". With this, the app will try to stream from video server that the country can access.
  2. You can turn off the "Use video streaming if available" switch in the App's "Settings" tab at the bottom. By turning off the switch, user will download video directly from Apple, but it will be relatively slower.
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Video streaming ALWAYS retries several times

To cater for occasional slow response from video server, this App automatically retries for a few times. However, since YouTube is our primary video hosting server, in case if your country cannot use YouTube, you will ALWAYS experience timeout for several times. To cater for this, we created a list of countries that skips video streaming from YouTube, please double check whether your Region settings in Settings App’s “General” → “Region” is correctly set to the country you are in.

In some older version of apps in our series, the App may not be able to retry automatically, instead, you can change the option to the other video server in “Settings” → “Streaming option”.
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Streaming video is jerky

Our video server needs a bit of time to load video file from secondary to primary storage if the video is not viewed for quite some time. In this case, you can just exit from the viewer, wait for a few seconds and restart viewing video.
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Failed to turn on "Use video streaming if available" switch

In "Setting" screen of some older apps of our series, the "Use video streaming if available" switch is turned off and cannot be switch on if your Internet connection is blocked from access to YouTube.

In this situation, user can still download video directly from Apple, but it will be slower to start playing video as compare with video streaming.
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Downloaded file is frequently corrupted

In our testing, we experienced such problem in iOS8 under some network switching scenarios but not in iOS9. In view of this, we strongly recommend you to upgrade to iOS9 if you frequently face such problem. Also, in very rare situations, e.g. unstable network with poor error detection and correction, please retry download using another network.
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NO download progress in “Download” screen after a while

Please check whether your device is using 3/4G, i.e. cellular network, as our download service will not start in 3/4G to save your network usage charge. If your device is not in 3/4G but there is no download progress for a while, there may be some unexpected error. Please press [Pause] and press [Resume] to continue the download.
For your information, we have tried to put in a “Download in cellular network” on/off switch in "Settings" screen but sometimes, even the switch is off, download will still continue in cellular network under iOS9, so we decided to turn it off until the problem is fixed.
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It was stated that download will be stopped in 3/4G network. Why sharing of 3/4G network to my device continues to download video?

The sharing of 3/4G network as hotspot is essentially wifi to the receiving device, thus download will still be continued.
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